Data is a powerful tool - use it.
Putting the Science back into People Decisions.
Supercharging organisations and longer-term performance come from knowing what makes your people tick and that ability to get more out of them.
Instincts will not provide the scientific accuracy required to make urgent hiring, promotion, and development decisions. Yet, the research shows us that critical people decisions are still getting made through a romantic lens – where people rely on chemistry and “feel”.
We are business psychologists; globally-recognised for our ability to provide personality, motivation, and values assessments that help you to evaluate potential, to select the right people for the right roles, and assist individuals to better develop or manage their own careers.
Relying on the evidence, from over 100 years of people-science, and utilising scientifically-valid psychometric assessments to enhance decision-making accuracy, by sometimes as much as up to 85%.
Reinvention offers:
Mid-to large-scale assessment systems for recruitment, selection, promotion, development, succession, and people reassignment.
Capability and aptitude testing.
Introduce and refine the ways you are hiring/selecting, managing talent, developing careers or managing performance.
Assessments specifically designed to tap future-focused capabilities; like EQ, agility, entrepreneurial mindset, innovation, and creative potential.
Multi-rater 360-degree evaluations, for individuals and teams.
Check out our empirical solutions in:
Leadership Analytics
Needing to get the right people steering the ship?
Reinvention’s team of Business and Clinical psychologists deliver sincere, impactful Leadership Analytics Services for Selection, Development, Alignment, and Succession.
Designing and tailoring analytics packages to suit our clients’ unique needs. Such Leadership assessment experiences tend to include many of the following elements:
Role/candidate/leadership success profiling;
Psychometric assessment (personality/values/ability/potential – evaluate “can and will do”);
Bespoke designed test batteries e.g. Agility, EQ, AQ, change-readiness, resilience, future-fit;
360-feedback Measure (evaluating influence & impact);
Behavioural event interviews (evaluating “I have done”);
Selection Panel Support, Interview Guide Development; and
Debriefing Sessions / Recommendations.
Leadership Team Analytics
Trying to get your leadership team to play well together?
If a leadership team increases its performance, almost certainly will lead to an improved performance of the organisation. Accordingly, worth investing heavily in the learning, growth and development of individual leadership team members and by extension, how they operate as a team.
Reinvention are accredited in all forms of leadership team diagnostics, and we offer novel solutions to increase the effectiveness of leadership teams.
Leadership Team Effectiveness Surveys are bespoke; using special online data collection technologies designed to be unobtrusive. Completed in the one web-based survey, by each participant in less than 30 mins, the survey can also be completed by directors and select direct reports, which is of significance and additional benefit to each leadership team member.
We help you move away from having a cacophony of individual experts to building a symphonic team working in harmony by:
Providing a collective baseline of team potency, synergy, effectiveness and impact.
Identifying current strengths, any potential blockers to effective leadership and superior performance amongst your team members.
Enhancing self-awareness; understanding of effective collaboration with a view towards the organisation’s long-term sustainable business performance and strategic imperatives.
Building a common mind-set around effective teams.
Identifying preferred behaviours, style and values most essential to support future growth, agility and sustained high performance.
System Analytics
Are your organisational systems helping or hindering the performance?
To know where you are going you need to know where you are.
Reinvention relies on rigorous metrics to analyse organisational systems and provide a data-driven compass to set a clear direction – and following services will help you get this clarity on your playing field.
Culture & Organisational Effectiveness Survey
Using the OCI/OEI from Human Synergistics as preferred culture and organisational effectiveness diagnostics provides us with a profile of your organisation’s culture and effectiveness, in terms of inputs staff believe are required to “fit in and meet expectations” within the organisation.
OEI also enables Reinvention to assess all internal factors and conditions likely to impact on your organisation’s performance. Clear outcomes incl. being able to build an engaged workforce through seeking honest input, defined pictures of causal factors of culture, understanding the current organisational and desired cultures and their impact on outcomes and clear indications of change levers which are affecting your ability to effect deep cultural change.
Alignment and Engagement Survey
Our extensively researched and psychometrically validated Alignment and Engagement Survey measures and benchmarks as key elements of organisational sustained high performance. Providing you with real time indicators as to the extent to which your employees are energised by the vision, enabled to do their job, and engaged.
Not only will this tool provide you with insights into where you are positioned today, but those critical drivers for improvement.
Engagement Survey
Reinvention’s extensively researched real time employee engagement survey benchmarks engagement on an emotional, cognitive and behavioural level – to give you a holistic view of where employees are at. Also showing up how an organisation measures up against those bigger drivers of engagement.
Employee Engagement Survey answers two critical questions:
How engaged are your employees?
What’s driving their engagement, or lack thereof?
In Touch Survey
This fit-for-purpose, real-time In-Touch employee pulse survey measures the impact of COVID19 on your people. In-Touch allows leaders to gain insights into the lived experience of their teams, monitor this experience as the situations evolves via regular pulses and respond in real time to issues and concerns raised.
Voice of the Customer/Customer Experience
We work closely with our clients to design their own individual Voice of the Customer Measurement Framework that incorporates the organisation’s vision, CVP and strategy. The framework is built using input from both employees and customers and results from Customer Journey Mapping. Statistical analysis determines which factors are most important to customers and in particular, most important to achieving the chosen KPIs (outcomes). Our partner helps track the impact of these initiatives on KPIs with short, “in the moment” feedback loops that engage and empower employees and drive their accountability to specific outcomes.
“Vanessa uses the latest measurement tools and metrics, surveys, interviews and 360 feedback sessions for one-on-one and group sessions - to assess leadership qualities and areas for continuous improvement. Her experience and high level skill-sets in business coaching and executive leadership coaching are demonstrated by her through her passionate and engaging workshops, presentations and one-on-one customised programs. Vanessa draws on the very latest researched trends in her areas of expertise, through her extensive network of connections at Harvard Business School, Silicon Valley and decades of working at the highest level. She broke me down and built me up in one session and for this I was very grateful”
Scott Fletcher, Agency Executive Director, Realmark Urban